Saturday 1 September 2012

The Hassan II Mosque

The Hassan II Mosque, Casablanca, Morocco

المسجد الحسن الثاني

Prayer hall with roof half open
The Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, Morocco is the largest mosque in the country. Amazingly, this beautiful mosque which can hold a total of 105,000 worshipers (25,000 inside the prayer hall and 80,000 on mosque grounds) was built in just six short years, opening in 1993. Nearly half of the surface of the mosque lies above the Atlantic Ocean. The inspiration behind building the mosque came from King Hassan II's wish to build a mosque and reference to a verse in the Qur'an which states "the throne of Allah was built on water" and was designed by the French architect Michel Pinseau. 

The land that the mosque is built on was reclaimed without compensation and is estimated to have cost nearly $800 million. These funds claim to have been raised entirely though the public, though some reports claim donations may not have been entirely voluntary. Nevertheless, the Moroccans are proud of the mosque and use it during daily prayer. 

Inside the prayer hall, men may pray on the floor and women in the hanging mezzanines. The roof, as shown, is movable. On days when it is hot or on special occasions, the roof is moved back to show the heavens above. This is the feature I enjoyed the most. The sunlight and fresh air would certainly make prayer enjoyable and special in this ornately decorated mosque. 

Ablution halls for washing
The ablution halls (one for men, one for women) consists of 41 fountains for washing. These halls are just as beautiful as the prayer hall, and illustrate the significance of water and cleanliness in a dry, Arab culture. Additionally, there is an area for prayer over the Atlantic Ocean made with a glass floor which is reserved for royalty. This again represents the importance of water to the Muslim people. Unfortunately, this area is not open to visitors. 

If you ever find yourself in Casablanca, I would highly suggest a trip to this monument to the Muslim people. The artistry that went into this mosque is breathtaking and since it is an active mosque, the experience will open your eyes, as it did mine, to the devout ways of the Muslim people. 


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